Sunday, October 23, 2011

Guitar of the Week/Updates- October 24

Before I introduce my pick for guitar of the week I want to give everyone an update on the past few weeks.
First let me say, Spawn Guitars is now an officially registered trade mark-
As many people know, we've been working on our new Reaper model as well as our new Vanquish model.
Sometimes, things don't always go as planned, as has been the case thus far. What should we do ? Get pissed ? Give up ? Nah, we just carry one. I'm having fun in the shop, fun in the paint booth and having fun spending time with my dad... who has really been a huge help the past few weeks. He's been taking on some of the less desirable jobs like- sanding, re-sanding, mixing paint, cleaning the paint guns, fixing stuff, and cleaning up.. And I for one appreciate all of his help.. In case you haven't figured it out.. Spawn Guitars isn't just a one man outfit, but it's probably not what you think either.. I know when I need help.. I have the best help in the world, and some of the only people I trust working with me.. My mom helps by watching and taking care of my awesome baby girl while I'm working at the shop.... My sis helps by doing graphic design and artwork... My wife helps by not only having a job (I like to eat) but also helps in the office... So when you think family owned and operated.... You can put Spawn Guitars in that category.  And I am thankful I have a family who believes in Spawn Guitars enough to give up their own time to make it happen...
And I know I can also count on our Spawn Artists to lend a hand when called upon.. Thank you all.

Ok ! So that was fun huh ? Thanks for reading that. On to my pick for guitar of the week-
I was going to go with one of our newer models, but I decided since we're going to be unveiling the new Reaper really soon- why not show off the discontinued Reaper.. ? That guitar was a very cool, beginner/intermediate players guitar. Although the new Reapers are built for total domination.. there is a big difference in not only body styling, but also woods, hardware and finish..
Here it is the 2009 Spawn Guitars Reaper-

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Guitar of the Week

While we're finishing up the two new guitar designs... The all new Reaper and Vanquish-X; I've decided to post a few of our current models... In no particular order.
This week I want to feature the SS-87FR Metal Top (MT)
It's not a real diamond plate top, but rather plastic... Even up close and to the touch it's hard to tell the difference. The guitar is " heavy metal" through and through. It has killer looks and tone... and it is well rounded nice feeling and playing guitar.
The guitar is available in both a single humbucker and dual humbucker set up.
Here are the specs:
Body: Mahogany
Neck: Maple
Fretboard: Rosewood
Frets: 24
Inlays: Half Moon
Machine heads: Spawn
Bridge: Licensed Double Locking
Pickups:  Tesla plasma-fh1
Electronics: Master Volume w/coil tapping.
(2hb) 3 way blade selector switch
Accessories: Spawn Gig Bag
Strap Locks
Check out the website for more information as well as ordering information- SS-87FR MT
Remember, if you want a custom guitar built at an affordable price contact us at: