Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy New Year ? CRAZY SALE !

We've been busy early this year going through our inventory. We've got a great sale going on right now- but I'll get to that in just a minute.
During this time "off" I've reevaluated some of our current designs, and the way we have approached the business and market place thus far. In doing so- I've decided to discontinue a few guitars as far as them being "stock" guitars... meaning we will no longer be producing them as production line instrument. As always, these models will be available for special order and custom orders.
These models are:
Vanquish-Semi Hollow Body
So- what about that sale you say ? Currently, we have several blemished SS-87FR guitars on sale now !
The deal includes the guitar, a Kases Polyfoam case, strap locks all for $449.63 ! Seriously ! You can't find a better deal anywhere. Check out the pictures on Ebay. You can also email me at for more information.
Seriously- you should check them out.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's December !

Happy Holidays ! It's that time of year again... you know what time of year I mean. Where we go out and buy people stuff. Gifts ! That's it !
In case you're wondering... yes this is a cheezy "Buy a Spawn Guitar" blog. It's my job.
I can tell you a Spawn Guitar makes an awesome gift. We have many guitars to choose from.
You can go to our website to find out more information.
We also have an Ebay store. THIS is the only store on Ebay to offer authorized Spawn Guitars. If you see any other store offering Spawn Guitars please let me know.
If you "like" us on facebook you can receive "special" offers and discounts.
Lots of stuff. If you have any questions feel free to email me at:
Thanks. Have a safe and happy holiday.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Spawn Guitars and Sinister Kustoms

As you know.. because you are a Spawn Guitars follower.... we finished our first Reaper Prototype.
Well, we have about 9 more we are finishing up.
This past weekend we were fortunate enough to be able to use Sinister Kustoms facilities to clear coat.
It was an awesome experience. Lonnie and Laura , the owners, were kind and gracious... knowledgeable and very helpful. Our good friend Dave, from the band WIKKID, helped set everything up and shot most of the guitars.
It was a great weekend, a fun weekend, and I can't wait to finish these bad boys up !
If you're in the market for a custom guitar email me at :
Please check out our website:

Dave and me

Dave and Dad

Dad and me

A forest of Spawn Guitars

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


It has been a long process, but the all new Reaper Prototype is here.
Alot of people to thank for helping make this happen.
Mike, Mandi, Dave, Mark, Dad, Mom, Paula, Nikki, Cathy.. I appreciate all of your help and dedication to the cause.
Enjoy the pictures. I have 9 of these bad boys left- Want one in a special color scheme let me know before I paint them all.
Here are the specs on the guitar-
Mahogany Body-
Maple Neck/Fretboard (or Maple/Ebony)
Greek Cross Inlays
Tesla®AH3 Active Pickups
Floyd Rose® Special Bridge
Gotoh® Battery Box (not shown on prototype)
Dunlop® Heavy Core Strings
Kaces Hardshell Case
I have been test driving this beast and I must say, it sounds and plays amazing.
Enjoy the pictures. If you want one built email me at :
Thanks, Chris

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Guitar of the Week/Updates- October 24

Before I introduce my pick for guitar of the week I want to give everyone an update on the past few weeks.
First let me say, Spawn Guitars is now an officially registered trade mark-
As many people know, we've been working on our new Reaper model as well as our new Vanquish model.
Sometimes, things don't always go as planned, as has been the case thus far. What should we do ? Get pissed ? Give up ? Nah, we just carry one. I'm having fun in the shop, fun in the paint booth and having fun spending time with my dad... who has really been a huge help the past few weeks. He's been taking on some of the less desirable jobs like- sanding, re-sanding, mixing paint, cleaning the paint guns, fixing stuff, and cleaning up.. And I for one appreciate all of his help.. In case you haven't figured it out.. Spawn Guitars isn't just a one man outfit, but it's probably not what you think either.. I know when I need help.. I have the best help in the world, and some of the only people I trust working with me.. My mom helps by watching and taking care of my awesome baby girl while I'm working at the shop.... My sis helps by doing graphic design and artwork... My wife helps by not only having a job (I like to eat) but also helps in the office... So when you think family owned and operated.... You can put Spawn Guitars in that category.  And I am thankful I have a family who believes in Spawn Guitars enough to give up their own time to make it happen...
And I know I can also count on our Spawn Artists to lend a hand when called upon.. Thank you all.

Ok ! So that was fun huh ? Thanks for reading that. On to my pick for guitar of the week-
I was going to go with one of our newer models, but I decided since we're going to be unveiling the new Reaper really soon- why not show off the discontinued Reaper.. ? That guitar was a very cool, beginner/intermediate players guitar. Although the new Reapers are built for total domination.. there is a big difference in not only body styling, but also woods, hardware and finish..
Here it is the 2009 Spawn Guitars Reaper-

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Guitar of the Week

While we're finishing up the two new guitar designs... The all new Reaper and Vanquish-X; I've decided to post a few of our current models... In no particular order.
This week I want to feature the SS-87FR Metal Top (MT)
It's not a real diamond plate top, but rather plastic... Even up close and to the touch it's hard to tell the difference. The guitar is " heavy metal" through and through. It has killer looks and tone... and it is well rounded nice feeling and playing guitar.
The guitar is available in both a single humbucker and dual humbucker set up.
Here are the specs:
Body: Mahogany
Neck: Maple
Fretboard: Rosewood
Frets: 24
Inlays: Half Moon
Machine heads: Spawn
Bridge: Licensed Double Locking
Pickups:  Tesla plasma-fh1
Electronics: Master Volume w/coil tapping.
(2hb) 3 way blade selector switch
Accessories: Spawn Gig Bag
Strap Locks
Check out the website for more information as well as ordering information- SS-87FR MT
Remember, if you want a custom guitar built at an affordable price contact us at:

Monday, September 26, 2011


Artist: Jimi Forrest

Current Band(s):  Fuzz Box, Sir Deville, Baby Jayne

Primary Guitar: Spawn SS-87 Custom

Pickups: Tesla Plasma-3 humbuckers (neck and bridge)

Artist Background:
Over 20 years experience in studio recording, live performance and professional guitar instruction.  I have played with, recorded with and worked for many musicians on the local, national and international level.  Guitar technician experience includes setting up, customizing and maintenance of guitars for virtuosos Tony MacAlpine and Michael Fath among others.

I have also written guitar/equipment columns for Mid-Atlantic publications as well Peavey’s Monitor magazine.  I am currently performing and recording with several projects as well as guitar instruction on a weekly basis.

Product Review:
My Spawn SS-87 Custom arrived with two Tesla Plasma-3 humbucking pick-ups.  Dual humbuckers are my preference in both my studio guitars as well as my live performance guitars.  After setting up the guitar from it’s original shipping state, I spent plenty of time putting the instrument through it’s paces for upcoming live performances and recording.

Starting with clean amp channels, the first thing I noticed was the warm, tight tone from the plasma-3’s.  Through a tube amp, they produce a well-rounded sound.  There is plenty of mid and high frequency response without losing the punch of the lower frequencies.  The Alnico 5 magnets do a nice job of not pulling the strings out of rotation for a long-lasting sustain.

I tried a few amp settings with various degrees of overdrive with equal success.  The tonal response continued to deliver.  Nice sustain and great response from overtones on sustained notes and chords.  Even with overdrive, the notes remained clear and responsive.

Next…it was full-on shred with high gain.  Rhythm structures with palm-muting produced tight tones without losing sonic integrity.  Plenty of punch!  Every note remained defined and sonically sound.  Without palm-muting, the notes rang with a long sustain with nice overtones.

After working with about every pickup on the market, (from guitar manufacturers to specialized pickup companies) the Tesla Plasma-3’s stack up to the competition.  Great tonal frequency response no matter what amp setting you use.  These pickups are marketed for Rock, Metal and Pop.  They are sure to make many guitar players realize their sonic potential.  This is a great quality product that should not be overlooked when searching for THAT tone.