Monday, November 21, 2011

Spawn Guitars and Sinister Kustoms

As you know.. because you are a Spawn Guitars follower.... we finished our first Reaper Prototype.
Well, we have about 9 more we are finishing up.
This past weekend we were fortunate enough to be able to use Sinister Kustoms facilities to clear coat.
It was an awesome experience. Lonnie and Laura , the owners, were kind and gracious... knowledgeable and very helpful. Our good friend Dave, from the band WIKKID, helped set everything up and shot most of the guitars.
It was a great weekend, a fun weekend, and I can't wait to finish these bad boys up !
If you're in the market for a custom guitar email me at :
Please check out our website:

Dave and me

Dave and Dad

Dad and me

A forest of Spawn Guitars

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